Thursday, May 20, 2010

iHCPL The Web According to Google #88: Wave, Buzz, and Mobile


1. How do you think you could use Google Wave or Buzz for collaboration? Do you currently use any online collaboration tools?

I could use Google Wave for teleconferencing and working on joint projects if other members of the team also used it. But I don’t see what its comparative advantage over an e-mail with an attachment would be for a joint project. I signed up for Wave about a year ago on my home computer, and I have yet to find a practical use for it.

Buzz, the Twitter wannabe, is frighteningly repellent. Currently I get in my Gmail inbox, on average, more than the fifty messages a day. About half of them are commercial or political noise that I delete after a quick glance. Why—in the interest of sanity—would I want to increase this? The only thing that could possibly make it worse was if started popping up on my cell phone!

As part of the LIT team I used a wiki and now socialwok.

2. Read a little about one or two of the Google Mobile apps available for mobile phones. Which ones do you think you would use the most and how?

As a stingy person I would not give my phone company any other excuse to jack up the phone bill if I could help it. I would not use any of them if I have a choice. If I do not have a choice I might use the Calendar if I found myself without my hard copy calendar with me, and I would use the search to find the library catalog if all the library terminals were busy and if I didn’t have my netbook with me.

3. Make a post in your blog with your answers.


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