I took the tour to refresh my memory, but for once, it didn't need to be refreshed. Back in Thing #8 I chose Google Reader as my aggregator and have been using it ever since. The only downside is that when I went to it today:

AgggggggggHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 823 posts to read! Perhaps I need to find a 12-step program for Info Addicts. Hello, my name is Bruce, and I'm powerless over my Aggregator.
2. Take a look at some of your favorite sites. Do they have feeds? If they do, subscribe to one of the feeds. Hint: Our website has feeds.
Yes, most of them do. That's what contributes to my overabundance of posts, the 53 feeds to which I subscribe. Harris County Public Library - Our Space: People & Books @ HCPL is one of the 53. The only site I haven't had success subscribing to is Book Examiner written by Michelle Kerns. It has delightfully snarky reviews, but Examiner.com does not play nicely with the Google Reader. The RSS posts repeatedly took me to notices that said "the article isn't published yet," so I've had to revert to a listserv subscription for my fill of often outrageously catty reviews, trash talk about other reviewers, or statistical counts of the number of clichés appearing in reviews.
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