1. Using AllFreeClipArt, how many clicks did it take to get to a color Santa that doesn’t look like a troll?
Since “Your search - Santa not troll - did not match any documents.” I tried the directory for Christmas, and found this:

It was indexed as a mouse, but I think it looks more like a bear in a beard. I guess he’s holding a piece of cheese. I thought it was a package with polka-dot wrapping paper. It took me 9 minutes and 42,000 clicks (most of them circular, returning me back to the home page again and again) because I wasn’t able to figure out how to get a copy that wasn’t a cropped screen print. Then I remembered to right click the mouse to get the picture of the mouse-bear Santa. But he’s definitely not a troll. I could not find any information on the site that told me how to credit the picture
2. Read “10 Places to Find Free Images Online”. Blog about 2 of the sites listed.
I tried Fotogenika.net , but found it to be of little use for images. It was a directory of photography services from the location of Target Photo Centers to Houston Helicopter Rides : Aerial Photography, Rides. Wedding & Engagement Flights. I think Loren Baker’s statement that, “The site is well organized,” is misleading. It is well organized if you are looking for a photographer, but of little use if you are searching for a photograph.
Then I went to FreeDigitalPhotos. I was gratified that under the Category Animals there was a selection of Squirrel photographs. However, the terms of use required that I credit “Photograph uploaded by FreeDigitalPhotos.net Admin” and the name of the photographer, but no name for a photographer was not listed. Which was frustrating at first until I looked at the sidebar to the right, and clicked on the Acknowledgement Required,

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I used this for my Take Me to Your Reader posting about YA Science Fiction Graphic Novels on January 8, 2010, but I had forgotten to use the credit, so I went back and fixed it. It now displays with the “@jupiterimages” credit.